Being “Born Again” – Rhapsody Of Realities TeeVo Devotional February 24th



(Being A Christian Has Nothing To Do With Religion)

TO THE BIBLE: John 3:3
‘Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”’

In the Garden of Eden, Adam sinned against God. At that moment, darkness entered the world, and man became estranged and cut off from the light of God.

Man has longed for a relationship with God ever since and has sought different ways to make it happen, leading to the formation of various religions.

Religion, in essence, is man seeking his own ways to contact or communicate with God.

Unfortunately, man hasn’t been able to find God in religion. Nevertheless, God, in His mercy, sent Jesus to the world to reunite man with God, to reveal who He is, what He’s like, and what He desires.

Jesus Christ is the revelation of the Father’s will, the manifestation of the Father’s love, the expression of God’s personality, and the outshining of His glory.

Jesus introduced a new concept when He came into the world, saying that one must be “born again.” This is where it all begins. To step into the light of God, possess His life and nature, and become one with Him, one must be born again.

To be born again is to receive Christ into your heart; it means to receive eternal life into your spirit. Eternal life is the nature of God, distinct from the human life you were born with.

It is the incorruptible and indestructible life of God, making us associates of the God-kind. When you’re born again, your spirit comes alive to God, and the Kingdom of God becomes a living reality to you.

Being born again signifies a separation into a life of glory, triumph, success, prosperity, and blessed assurance.

The rudiments of this world no longer govern your life; you’ve been disconnected from the domain of darkness and transferred into the glorious liberty of the sons of God. This transcends religion. Glory to God!

Go Deeper
John 3:5-7; 1 Peter 1:23

Dear heavenly Father, I thank you for demonstrating your eternal love for mankind by sending Jesus Christ. Thank you for the precious salvation I have in Him. I’m a new creation in Christ Jesus, born with the nature of God in my spirit. I function in the higher, transcendent life in Christ, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Daily Bible Reading
Mark 6:30-56, Leviticus 25
Matthew 17:14-21, Exodus 5

Today, you can lead someone else to be born again. Simply direct them to the “Prayer of Salvation” on page 72 and guide them to sincerely say the words from the bottom of their hearts.

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