A Heart Filled With Love – Rhapsody Of Realities TeeVo Devotional February 25th



(Love: The Manifestation Of The Christ-Life In You)

TO THE BIBLE: 1 John 3:14 GNB
“We know that we have left death and come over into life; we know it because we love others. Those who do not love are still under the power of death.”

“I love you” is, for some Christians, the hardest thing to say, but the truth is, the first manifestation of eternal life in you is the love of God.

When you’re born again, the love of the Father awakens in your spirit. Some people hate Christians, not because we did anything wrong, but simply because of Jesus.

Such individuals aren’t born again; they haven’t passed from death to life. When you’re born again, you can’t hate anyone because love resides in your heart. It’s the fruit of your recreated human spirit.

1 John 3:14 says we know we’ve passed from death to life, not because we can perform miracles or prophesy and speak in tongues; it’s because we love our brothers and sisters in Christ!

As a Christian, you must make the uncompromising choice to always walk in love. It doesn’t matter the extent of hatred and animosity you experience from those around you; you have the obligation as a Christian to love and not hate.

Reflect on our Lord Jesus: think about how they were cruel to Him, nailing Him to the cross and cursing Him. Yet He looked up to heaven and said, “…Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do…” (Luke 23:34). That’s love!

He could have destroyed them all in a moment, but His love overlooked their ignorance and forgave their wrongs.

The love you have for other believers is a testimony in your spirit; it’s a witness within you that you’ve passed from death to life. Hallelujah!

Go Deeper
Romans 5:5 GNB; Luke 23:33-34; 1 John 4:18

I’m full of love! The love-nature of God in my spirit causes me to radiate and express love to everyone I meet. I’ve made the choice to show them kindness and grace. I speak and believe the best of them always, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

Daily Bible Reading
Mark 7:1-23, Leviticus 26-27
Matthew 17: 22-27, Exodus 6

Meditate and declare 1 John 4:17 throughout today. Also, make a quality decision that there’ll never be anybody anywhere that you’ll begrudge, dislike, or be bitter against. Walk in the love of God from your heart till it grows to perfection.

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