Too Much At Stake! – Rhapsody Of Realities TeeVo Devotional March 15th



(Don’t Hold Back: Get Wild With The Gospel)

TO THE BIBLE: Jeremiah 20:9 AMPC
“If I say, I will not make mention of [the Lord] or speak any more in His name, in my mind and heart it is as if there were a burning fire shut up in my bones. And I am weary of enduring and holding it in; I cannot [contain it any longer].”

For the Gospel to have gotten to us in our day, some people had to pay the ultimate price. Some ministers and saints of God sacrificed their lives for this message to get to us.

There was a time in the not-too-distant past when the possession of a Bible either put one in prison or got one killed. Those who printed Bibles did so in hiding.

Today, we have Bibles everywhere. On your phone, you could even have many translations. But this didn’t happen by chance; it’s the result of the faith, prayers, and labour of many before us.

That’s why it’s important for us in our day to wake up. We should be inspired by the examples of those who fought to take the message to places where the Gospel wasn’t known.

If you’re a prefect in your school, for example, who interacts with your fellow students and teachers, this should inspire you to preach to them. It makes no difference whether or not they’re happy to hear your message.

Once you address them, use that opportunity for influence to preach the Gospel to them. Don’t let it bother you that some of them may want to leave your presence because you preached to them.

Remember, God gave you the position of authority in the first place. Boldly preach to them, not with the aim of forcing them, but to provide them a chance to hear and believe in Jesus Christ for salvation.

Think of what others went through fighting for the opportunities you now have all around you. The time is short, and the return of the Master is at hand.

Ensure you take advantage of every opportunity the Lord has given you to witness to others. Don’t hold back; get wild with the Gospel.

Go Deeper
1 Corinthians 9:16; Luke 4:43; 2 Timothy 4:2

Precious Father, I thank you for your Word that burns in my heart and propels me to preach the Gospel and spread your righteousness around the world. I refuse to be quiet but take my place in the end-time army as a frontline soldier and a bearer of divine truths to my world. I stand firm in the faith, impacting lives and causing your righteousness and glory to be established around me, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Daily Bible Reading
Luke 1:1-25, Deuteronomy 3-4
Matthew 23:1-12, Exodus 24

Take the time to speak in tongues and share the Gospel boldly with people around you today.

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