Think Innovativelly – Rhapsody Of Realities TeeVo Devotional January 28th



(You’re As Creative And Innovative As God Is)

TO THE BIBLE: Ephesians 2:10
“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”

“How do you always come up with these creative, world-class clothing designs?” Paula asked her friend, Nathan.
“The Holy Spirit lives in me, and He inspires my creativity, Paula,” he responded.

As God’s child, you’ve got a calling to lead and blaze new trails in whatever field of endeavour you’re involved in, be it music, arts, IT, sports, agriculture, education, organisation, administration, etc. Yes, that’s God’s plan.

And one of the amazing benefits of having the Holy Spirit in your life is that He makes you creative and innovative.

He opens your eyes to see what others don’t see and your ears to hear what they don’t hear. He anoints your eyes to see the right things and your mind to understand and conceive lofty ideas.

That’s the kind of man David was. The power of God came on him when Samuel anointed him to become king of Israel, and he turned out to be a marvel in his day.

When he faced Goliath of Gath, he came to the battlefront with something new; he came with an innovation. His weapons weren’t sophisticated; they were simple but markedly different from what was expected. The sling he used wasn’t new to the Jews.

In fact, as you read the Bible, you’ll find others who could use those weapons better than David. But none of them thought that a sling and some smooth stones would be enough to defeat Goliath. Only David thought it would, through God.

That’s innovation—thinking differently, thinking through God’s ability. That’s what God expects from you. Our opening verse says you were “…created in Christ Jesus for good works….” Hallelujah!

We were created to be ingenious, to think new, and to think fresh. He can guide you to come up with something new from something old, from an existing idea.

Take advantage of the person, power and ministry of the Holy Spirit in your life. He’s your advantage. He causes you to see, think, say and do things at a superior and supernatural level. His ideas are unbeatable and the best; they win all the time. Hallelujah!

Go Deeper
Exodus 30:1-5; Isaiah 43:19; Genesis 1:1-3

The Holy Spirit has brought the glory of God into my life, giving me guidance and direction; He makes me creative and innovative. He’s filled me with supernatural ability to do things beyond the ordinary; I see value where others don’t; I bring new things into this world. I have insight into mysteries and secrets through the Holy Spirit. Glory to God!

Daily Bible Reading
Matthew 19:16-20:16, Exodus 15
Matthew 10:23-33, Genesis 28

Speak in tongues and stir up your spirit: that way, you’ll easily come up with new innovative ideas and creative thoughts.

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