The Upward Call! – Rhapsody Of Realities TeeVo Devotional October 11th



(God Calls Us To Fellowship With Him)

TO THE BIBLE: 1 John 1:3
“That which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ.”

“Sebastian, you’re now part of God’s family because I led you to Christ yesterday when you believed and confessed Him as the Lord of your life.”
“Okay, but what do I do next, Felicia?”
“Alright, the next step is getting to know God as your Father through His written Word and spending time with His Spirit. You’ll learn more about all of that when we go to Church this morning. Come on, let’s go!”

The overarching purpose of Christ in the plan of salvation is to bring us into fellowship with God. Being born again is not enough; what God truly desires is to have fellowship with us.

That’s the purpose of the New Birth. True fellowship with God involves communicating with Him, sharing, and talking at higher levels where there is mutual understanding and exchange of thoughts. This is the kind of fellowship God has called us to.

When John mentioned, “…that you also may have fellowship with us…,” he wasn’t referring to converting from one religion to Christianity; he was stating a truth.

We have been called into partnership and togetherness with the Divine. It’s a fellowship of the God-kind, a oneness of spirit. Hallelujah!

The Bible says, “God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord” (1 Corinthians 1:9). We’re in union with Jesus Christ.

Romans 8:16-17 explains it further. It says, “The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ….”

The underlined portion shows the kind of union we have with Him: He brought us to the same level with Himself. This is mind-blowing!

But you see, you can’t function at that high level of oneness and fellowship except through the Holy Spirit. So, have a desire to fellowship more with the Holy Spirit every day.

Go Deeper
1 John 1:3; 2 Corinthians 13:14; 2 Peter 1:4

Dear Father, thank you for the privilege of being in fellowship, in oneness of spirit with you. As a result of this relationship, every limit and barrier is removed from my path, and I experience nothing but progress in my life. Your glory and wisdom operate in me and through me in abundance, and I encounter unprecedented manifestations of your power through the fellowship of the Spirit, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Daily Bible Reading
Colossians 4:2-18, Isaiah 52-53
Hebrews 4:1-16, Ezekiel 4

Spend time in the Word and fellowship with the Lord in prayer all through the day.

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