Rhapsody Of Realities TeeVo Devotional March 4th – Better Than A Party

(The Church Of Jesus Christ – A Wonderful Place To Be)

TO THE BIBLE: Psalm 122:1 CEV
“It made me glad to hear them say, “Let’s go to the house of the LORD!””

“Sunday’s almost here! I can’t wait!” Jonelle gushed with excitement.
“What…what’s happening on Sunday?!” Tandra asked, “Is there a rave or something?”
“Something even better than that,” Jonelle replied. “It’ll be another great service in church, woohoo!”
“Oh really? Sounds like fun,” Tandra said. “Can I join you? I’m usually bored on weekends anyway.”
“Sure, you can! Why not?” Jonelle responded.

You see, the church is called “…the house of God, …the pillar and ground of the truth” (1 Timothy 3:15).

This is why it’s so important for every Christian to be a committed member of a church (a local assembly). It’s a place of uplifting, and, like David said, you should be excited to attend every time.

The Lord Jesus said, “You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you” (John 15:3). He builds, cleanses, and perfects you through His Word.

So if you don’t give yourself to the ministry of the Word, you’ll make unnecessary and sometimes costly errors (Mark 12:24).

This is why coming together with God’s people is very essential. It’s one of the ways that you present yourself to the ministry of the Word, through the Holy Spirit.

There’s so much you’ll learn in church that will guarantee you the God-kind of success, and a gloriously bright future when you put them to work. So don’t plan to miss out on the next church meeting!

Go Deeper
Hebrews 10:25; Acts 2:42; Ephesians 4:11-12

Dear Father, I thank you for the Body of Christ, to which I belong. I’m excited to gather with my fellow believers in your presence. Just like David, my heart is filled with joy at every opportunity for the fellowship of the Spirit with fellow believers, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Daily Bible Reading
Mark 10:32-52, Numbers 14-15
Matthew 20:1-16, Exodus 13

It’s time to start early church preparations, as it’s only two days away. So today, ensure you invite at least two people around you to church.

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