Rhapsody of Realities TeeVo Devotional 5th August – A Real But Defeated Enemy

(Satan Is Not An Illusion Or Concept Of Men)

TO THE BIBLE: Luke 10:18
“And He said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.”

“Satan isn’t as real as people claim,” Austin scoffed. “I think he’s just a concept they cooked-up to put the blame on when they do wrong.”

“What! Where did you get that from?” Jeff retorted. “If you really think that, then how do you explain Jesus Himself talking about and to satan in Matthew 12:26, Mark 4:15, Luke 10:18-19, or John 13:27? You need to truly believe the Bible and what the Master said in His Word about everything else!”

Some people really don’t believe there’s an adversary called satan, the devil. Others don’t even want to talk about him; they say, “There’s no devil!” and cling foolishly to that delusion. Jesus never denied satan’s existence; He only emphasized his defeat and our triumph over him.

Satan is a real spirit being. He’s not an illusion of the mind, as some may suggest. He’s an evil personality, an angel who, according to the Bible, fell from grace and became the devil.

God didn’t create a devil, mind you. He made an angel called Lucifer, son of the morning (Isaiah 14:12-15). However, through pride, he lost his position, was overthrown and became satan.

So, he does exist and he moves from one place to another (Job 1:6-7). Although he has his demons running around, satan isn’t everywhere at the same time; he’s not omnipresent, and doesn’t know everything.

To counter him, the Bible says you’re to resist him steadfastly in the faith (1 Peter 5:8-9). That’s how you keep him on the run (James 4:7). As long as you operate in faith, satan cannot withstand you; you’re superior to him. When Jesus went to hell and defeated satan and his cohorts, you were in Him.

You defeated satan in Christ, and now, you’re seated with Christ in the heavenly realms, far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come (Ephesians 1:21). So, satan is under your feet. Though he’s not an illusion, he’s also not a factor in your life.

Go Deeper
James 4:7; Ephesians 6:12

Thank you, Father, for I know that the devil and the cohorts of hell have been defeated, paralyzed, and rendered completely powerless. I’ve been given the authority and made superior to them in Christ! Now, I walk in my victory over satan, sin, sickness, disease and death! Glory to God!

Daily Bible Reading
Romans 8:18-39, Psalms 70-73
Ephesians 6:1-9, Isaiah 56

Thank the Lord profusely for the life of victory you enjoy in Christ.

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