“Every Knee Should Bow” – Rhapsody Of Realities TeeVo Devotional October 4th


TeeVo Audio


(His Name Has Power In All Three Worlds)

TO THE BIBLE: Philippians 2:9-10 NIV
“Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth.”

One day, after school, Jonathan rushed from class and headed to his dormitory room. Upon reaching the room door, he discovered that it had been forced shut and now refused to open, no matter how hard he jiggled the key in the lock.

He recalled what he had heard in church about the Name of Jesus and declared, “Door, open up now in Jesus’ Name!” To his amazement, the door opened.

If Jesus truly gave us the legal right, that is, the power of attorney to use His Name, what results should we expect when we use His Name?

What’s so important about the Name of Jesus? What does His Name represent, and why should we have so much confidence in the Name of Jesus? We have the answer in our opening scripture.

Notice the construction; it’s absolute. It says, “At the name of Jesus every knee should bow”; that’s a sovereign decree, a law in the realm of the spirit. Hallelujah!

This sovereign decree is in force in heaven, on earth, and under the earth (in hell). His Name has power in all three worlds; that power applies to whatever exists in all three worlds, whether they be thrones, governments, galaxies, principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, or in high places; they’re all subject to His Name.

This is remarkable! It explains why you should never be flustered by anything in life. It makes no difference what Satan and his cohorts of hell are concocting; you can neutralise their efforts and overturn their works in the Name of Jesus.

No wonder Jesus told us we could: “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give” (Matthew 10:8).

Go Deeper
Colossians 3:17; Mark 16:17-18; Philippians 2:9-10 WNT

Thank you, Father, for the glorious results I see when I use the Name of Jesus. Today, Lord, your righteousness rules and reigns in the nations; many are healed, lepers are cleansed, the dead are raised, and there’s a great harvest of souls into the Kingdom, in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!

Daily Bible Reading
Philippians 2:19-3:1-11, Isaiah 38-39
Philemon 1:1-9, Jeremiah 52

Meditate on and use the power invested in the Name of Jesus by personalising and declaring Philippians 2:9-10 throughout today.

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