Christian Teens devotional | Teen Devotionals | Christian Devotionals For Teens | Pastor Chris Teens Devotional | Loveworld Teens Devotional | Rhapsody TeeVo
Do you want to be a winner in life? Do you want to be a part of someone else’s success story? Then the TeeVo Club is for you.
What is the TeeVo Club?
TEEVO CLUB is an outreach club where Christian teenagers congregate to share God’s Word as contained in the Rhapsody of Realities TeeVo. This association is open to both members and non-members of the ministry. And it is set up in secondary schools and headed by a teenager.
PURPOSE: It is to promote the effective use of TEEVO and give opportunity to users of TEEVO (who are also teens), to interact and share their experiences. Through this avenue, teenage Christians can win souls for Christ.
STRUCTURE: It is basically run by teenagers. The leader runs the club with his assistant and other executive members with specific assigned roles. The leader works with his Pastor/Youth Leader to run the schedule for the programme.
A GREETER – At the venue of the meeting, there should be a greeter at the door to welcome the members and first timers as they come in.
GETTING TO KNOW YOU – The teenagers should get to know one another before the session starts.
SESSION BEGINS – The leader starts the session with an opening prayer. Then assigns someone to take praise and worship.
DEVOTIONAL – After the praise and worship, they read and discuss the devotional.
PRAYER & BENEDICTION – The assistant or an executive member leads the teenagers to prayer and ends the meeting.
The TeeVo Club is very flexible and addresses topics and present hour situations facing the teens world.