(What It Means To Live In The Spirit)
TO THE BIBLE: Galatians 5:25
“If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.”
“Hey Mark, what does it mean to live in the Spirit? It sounds a bit mysterious to me,” Anna inquired. Anna was a new member whom Mark had won to his cell.
“Well, there are two ways of living in the Spirit, but the most important way is by being born into the Spirit,” Mark replied.
“Born into the Spirit? That sounds deep!” Anna exclaimed.
“No, not really; the Lord talked about this to Nicodemus in John 3:1-6. When you’re born again, you’re born of God’s Spirit and therefore live in Him; it’s quite simple really,” Mark explained.
As Christians, we don’t go in and out of the Spirit; we live in the Spirit. Our opening verse makes it clear: it says, “If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.”
There’re two common expressions that you find in the Bible for being in the Spirit. One is to be in a vision or trance where your physical senses are more or less suspended. However, that’s a temporal experience.
The other and more important expression of being in the Spirit is being born into the Spirit, where you become aware and alive to the spirit-realm through the Word and the Holy Ghost.
You live in that consciousness even though you’re in this world and your physical senses are conscious of your natural environment.
In the latter, you’re living with the mindset of the heavenly being that you are. You see the same things with other people, but you have a different interpretation and a different understanding.
You’re Spirit-ruled; you see things the Kingdom way; the Word of God dictates your actions and responses to life and everything around you. You dominate your environment with the atmosphere of the Spirit. Hallelujah!
Go Deeper
Acts 1:8; Romans 8:9
Thank you, precious Holy Spirit, for being my peculiar atmosphere and advantage in life. You’ve made my life so different and beautiful. I rule and dominate my world with the atmosphere of joy, peace, success and victory in Jesus’ name. Amen
Daily Bible Reading
Romans 12:17-13:1-14, Psalm 89
Luke 15:1-10, Judges 19
Take ample time today to declare that you live and walk in the Spirit, till it sinks deep into your consciousness.
Thanks you pastor for this wonderful rhapsody today